Ceremony Locations
Northern Michigan Formal sites for wedding ceremonies: {alphabetical}
Bay Harbor Resort www.villageatbayharbor.com
Boyne Highlands/ Boyne Mountain www.boyneweddings.com
Castle Farms www.castlefarms.com
Emmett County Fairgrounds {Community Center} www.emmetcounty.org
Stafford’s Bay View Inn www.staffords.com/weddings
Stafford’s Perry Hotel www.staffords.com/weddings
Northern Michigan Informal sites for wedding ceremonies:
Camp Pet-O-Sega {on Pickerel Lake} www.camppetosega.com
Headlands & Cecil Bay www.emmetcounty.org
Lighthouse Point www.lighthousepte.com
Magnus Park & Bayfront Park www.emmetcounty.org
I also perform weddings in Cheboygan, Mackinaw City, Indian River, and surrounding areas.
Contact these Chambers of Commerce for more ideas on locations:
Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce www.mackinawchamber.com 231-436-5574
Petoskey Chamber of Commerce www.petoskey.com 231-347-4150
Charlevoix Chamber of Commerce www.cityofcharlevoix.org 231-547-2101
St. Ignace Chamber of Commerce www.stignace.com 906-643-8717